Dental Shooting Clinics
Activate Dental Shooting Clinics now!
You will be able to activate the Dental Shooting app to your employees, who will then be able to take intra- and extraoral photos
ously from lore smartonone.
ously from lore smartonone.
Thanks to the secure cloud you can manage the photos taken by your staff on all the computers in your clinic
You will then have a complete cataloguing of your patients’ photos and save considerable time
You will then have a complete cataloguing of your patients’ photos and save considerable time
Important: within 5 working days after purchase, you will be contacted by one of our operators to activate the web platform
*Annual cost per subscription
1 Clinic + 5 Licences
Web Management Platform
1 Clinic License
5 App Licences
Dental Shooting Desktop
Editing Included
Telephone support for activation
1 Clinic + 10 Licences
Web Management Platform
1 Clinic License
10 App Licences
Dental Shooting Desktop
Editing Included
Telephone support for activation
2 Clinics + 15 Licences
Web Management Platform
2 Clinic Licences
15 App Licences
Dental Shooting Desktop
Editing Included
Telephone support for activation
Customised plan
for dental chains or multiclinical structures